Nepenthes Bloody Mary Care

Nepenthes Bloody Mary Care

The product of n. ampullaria and n. ventricosa x spectabilis, nepenthes Bloody Mary derives its name from its vivid red pitchers. It is one of the easier pitcher plants to grow especially if you live in a warm climate. There are some things you have to keep in mind though if you want to cultivate … Read more

Nepenthes Alata Care

Nepenthes Alata Care

Found in many parts of the Philippines, nepenthes alata is known for its colorful leaves and large pitchers. It is a beautiful carnivorous plant and also happens to be one of the easiest to grow. If you want to add something unique to your collection, n. alata is a good choice. If you follow this … Read more

Nepenthes Attenboroughii Care

Nepenthes Attenboroughii Care

Named after the famous naturalist David Attenborough, nepenthes attenboroughii is endemic to many parts of Southeast Asia. In the wild these pitcher plants grow up to 5 feet (1.5 m) with 12 inch (30 cm) wide pitchers. Those for home cultivation are much smaller but also easier to grow. While aimed at collectors, anyone can … Read more

Nepenthes Albomarginata Care

Nepenthes Albomarginata Care

Nepenthes albomarginata is probably best known for the white band on its pitchers which is used to lure termites. Native to Malaysia and Borneo, n. albomarginata can be classified as an easy to intermediate level tropical pitcher plant. It is not the easiest one to grow but not too difficult either. Follow this guide to … Read more

Nepenthes Bicalcarata Care

Nepenthes Bicalcarata Care

Native to the Borneo lowlands, nepenthes bicalcarata is best known for the fangs – spurs actually – around its pitchers. Contrary to popular belief, n. bicalcarata is not difficult for anyone to grow, but it does require a specific approach to produce the best results. Nepenthes bicalcarata prefers warm and humid conditions, preferably 85-90 F … Read more

Nepenthes Maxima Care

Nepenthes Maxima Care

Nepenthes maxima is one of the easier pitcher plants to grow and maintain. This plant is suitable for beginners because it does not require a lot of attention. If you are new to carnivorous plants and want something simple to start with, n. maxima is as good a plant to go with as any. Nepenthes … Read more

Nepenthes Rafflesiana Care

Nepenthes Rafflesiana Care

Nepenthes rafflesiana is a lowland pitcher plant endemic throughout Southeast Asia. In the wild this plant reaches up to 50 feet (15 meters), but those sold for homes and gardens grow at a more manageable 4-5 inches (approx. 8 cm). In this in-depth guide you will discover the right way to care for this nepenthes. … Read more

Nepenthes x Ventrata Care

Nepenthes x Ventrata Care

Nepenthes x ventrata is the product of n. ventricosa and n. alata. It is known for having sizeable red-green pitchers and being highly adaptable to different environments. Read on to find out how to best take care of nepenthes x ventrata – or just n. ventrata – in your home and what mistakes to steer … Read more

Nepenthes Ampullaria Care

Nepenthes Ampullaria Care

Found throughout Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and New Guinea, nepenthes ampullaria is unique among tropical pitcher plants because it is a detritivore, not carnivore. These plants also have some particular care requirements, but nothing too difficult for a beginner to handle. Nepenthes ampullaria may be grown in a terrarium with partially shaded light and high … Read more