Do Mexican Butterworts Need Dormancy?

Do Mexican Buttersworts Need Dormancy 2

There is a lot of confusion about dormancy in Mexican butterworts (pinguicula or ping to growers). These are tropical plants so they do not go dormant right? Mexican pinguicula is indeed a tropical plant, but they do go through dormancy, albeit in a different way. During dormancy, the leaves of Mexican butterworts turn succulent, stop … Read more

Are Butterworts Succulents?

Are Butterworts Succulents

Mexican butterworts come in different colors and variants, but most of them look like succulent plants. Is this just an uncanny resemblance or should butterworts be classified as succulents? The answer can be quite complicated but this article will simplify it for you. Mexican butterworts transform into succulent plants during winter. But butterworts are not … Read more

Are Butterworts Poisonous?

are butterworts poisonous

Butterworts (pinguicula) are carnivorous plants that feed on insects and other small animals. If you have ever seen bugs stuck or eaten by one of these, you have probably wondered, are these plants toxic? Is it safe to have them at home? Those questions will all be answered here. Butterworts are not poisonous to humans … Read more